Have you ever been to Sudety? It's a mountain range that stretches from eastern Germany through south-western Poland and to northern Czech Republic. Once you reach these beautiful surroundings, you just forget about Instagram. (And yes, no wi-fi also helps). Sudety font was designed in the very special settings - Sokołowsko village, famous as a climate health resort in the past, also known as ‘Polish Davos’ (Swiss link- checked). Today’s Sokołowsko is a must-be for underground music fans, moral cinema lovers (Kieślowski Festival) and slow life amateurs. Could it be more hipster? No. Get a natural high.
Font design: Jan Estrada-Osmycki

Illustration: Jan Estrada-Osmycki

Sudety font designer, Jan Estrada Osmycki. Half – Polish, half – Mexican. Look at that jumper! (pic by A. Skrok)

You see, he is not scrolling Instagram. He is so over it. (pic by A. Miluniec)